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防霉技巧不私藏!三大重點學起來 Mold Prevention Tips! Learn Three Key Points
来源: 东莞市我是生物科技有限公司 发布时间: 2020-05-25




1檢查環境 Check the environment


Recently, it rains frequently. The water content of the walls inside the warehouse is easy to increase. In the unnoticeable places at the corner and joints, it is easy to breed bacteria and mold, and it will start to produce a musty smell.
The most suitable temperature for mold growth is 20-36℃ and the humidity is 60% ~ 80%.
It is difficult to control the temperature, so we need to pay more attention to the change of humidity and keep it below 60%. But things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme. "The drier you are, the less likely you are to get mold." is a mistake.
According to nature's law of equilibrium, the drier the material, the more it absorbs moisture.
Leaving the dry environment is like being exposed to a precipitous environment.
Mold like the temperature is not only close to people, but also very close to our lives. In fact, mold is in everywhere. The difference is only in its ability to find the right environment to "bloom and bear fruit."

02整潔 Clean and Tidy

At ordinary times, pay attention to the clean and tidy environment inside the factory, material warehouse, finished goods warehouse, containers, etc., do not accumulate sundries, do not form airtight shade, and maintain air convection.

03通風 Ventilation 

Open the Windows and keep them ventilated. If it rains, close the doors and Windows.If there is air conditioning, it can also replace the dehumidifier to maintain the normal temperature and humidity of the warehouse.



Isolation of Mildew source (Visible Mold):
Inspect the site for visible mold (both outside and inside the product), isolate immediately, and dispose of separately.
Depending on the situation, ask the IM professional whether to choose mildew remover or anti-mold agent. 

2定期消毒Regular Disinfection

The weather is changeable. Even if it does not rain, it is difficult to prevent the "moisture" in the air. When the wall and stack board absorb water, it is not only easy to breed bacteria, but also easy to increase the risk of mold growth. Therefore, in addition to maintaining ventilation, regular disinfection is also necessary. Weekly purification is recommended during the rainy season.

1. 將木製棧板更換成塑膠棧板
2. 使用IM的廣譜殺菌劑(IM-10001) ,工廠內部、材料倉、成品倉、貨櫃定期消毒(消毒頻率依地區有所差異,可詢問IM專業人士)

1.Replace wooden pallets with plastic pallets
2.Using Broad-spectrum fungicide IM (IM-10001).Regularly disinfect the inside of the factory, material warehouse, finished goods warehouse and containers (the disinfect frequency varies according to the region, please ask the IM professional)
“Mildewed treatment” and “how to protect product far away mold”

1霉菌原處理mildewed treatmen
01. 隔離處理:將有霉菌生長的材料、產品,與其他成品隔離。
02. 準備手套、乾刷。
03. 用乾刷清理表面霉菌,將霉孢清除。
04. 使用IM除霉劑,噴濕產品。
05. 自然風乾或烘乾 。
01.Isolation treatment:Materials and products with mold growth will be isolated from other finished products.
02. Prepare clean gloves and a dry brush.
03. Use a dry brush to clean the surface mold and remove the mold spores.
04. Spray the product with IM mildew remover.
05. dry naturally or dry with oven.

2未發霉產品如何防護How to protect product far away mold
01. 專業諮詢:根據不同材料、鞋款、材質,向IM專業人士詢問適合什麼產品,讓您能夠享有「最有效」、「最划算」、「最專業」的服務。
02. 可以在原材料上也做好防霉準備,避免原材料倉感染。
03. 成品裝盒時,工作人員戴上手套,避免指紋殘留。
04. 成品請勿放在木製棧板上。
05. 保持環境乾爽、通風狀態。

01. Professional consulting: According to different materials, shoe styles and materials, ask IM professionals what products are suitable for you to enjoy the "most effective", "most cost-effective" and "most professional" services.
02. The raw materials can also be prepared for mildew prevention to avoid raw material warehouse infection.
03. When the finished product is packed in the box, the staff should wear gloves to avoid fingerprints.
04. Please do not put the finished products on the wooden pallets.
05. Keep the environment dry and ventilated.

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